Ayurvedic Medicine Podcast
Health & Wellbeing Podcast #5
Hooray, it’s podcast number 5! In this episode I talk with naturopath Lisa Costa Bir about Ayurvedic Medicine.
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Lisa is a Naturopath, lecturer and writer as as well as an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant and in this episode I pick her brains on all things Ayurvedic Medicine and how she incorporates her knowledge from this area into her Naturopathic practice and her own health.
Lisa has an interest in treating thyroid and adrenal health. Her practice is in Caringbah in South Sydney.
You can connect with Lisa via Facebook, Instagram or on her website http://lisacostabirnaturopath.com.au/
Ayurvedic Medicine – Podcast #5
Podcast Breakdown:
1.18 A bit about Lisa Costa-Bir, her Indian background and her first experience with Ayurveda in treating her skin condition.
3.24 What is Ayurveda/Ayurvedic medicine?
4.00 The origins of the Ayurvedic word: Life Knowledge
4.43 How does Lisa blend her Ayurvedic knowledge into her Naturopathic practice?
5.22 About the Prakruti, or the individual doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha
6.30 Want to work out your own prakruti? http://ayurvedadosha.org/doshas/ayurveda-dosha-test
8.35 Lisa discusses what dosha she is, a Vata-Kapha and talks a bit more about Vata
9.56 Pitta people often love spicy foods even though it’s not so great for them.
10.36 Kapha people usually love ice cream and other dairy, but its often too damp and mucous promoting for them.
11.04 A bit more about Kapha and Pitta
13.16 Everything that we do in our diet and our lifestyle influences our health:
“As is the atom, so is the universe
As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm
As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind”.
13.45 What are the main Ayurvedic teaching Lisa has incorporated into her life personally? Mostly they are around digestive function.
15.30 Food should be body temperature. Spices for Vata and Kapha.
16.10 Combining foods and spices to negate the negative effects of foods.
17.35 Start the morning with a spice mix to get the digestion going.
18.00 Classic ayurvedic recipes Lisa loves: Ginger tea with herbs and spices,
19.40 Golden milk and Benefits of turmeric, plus how to get more benefits out of turmeric such as adding black pepper, fat and using heat.
21.00 Avoid heating honey as it destroys the ‘vitality’ of the honey
22.30 How to look after your spices
23.20 Chai tea
24.00 Spice milk
21.19 The benefits of dates: A rejuvenating tonic, also known as rasayana which is often consumed after giving birth or after intercourse
25.00 Some health and lifestyle techniques that have their origins from Ayurveda such as self massage with sesame oil (great for all the constitutions) or coconut oil.
27.00 Tongue scraping and tongue diagnosis
29.17 Oil pulling
30.20 Seasonal eating
32.45 Some dessert ideas for winter
33.47 Dahl for breakfast? Yes!
34.45 Other techniques to adjust to the season: oil massage for the body and hair
35.25 Pranayama: A series of breathing exercises, a great way to start and/or finish the day.
36.10 Practise the breathing exercise along with Lisa.
38.00 We discuss our favourite Ayurvedic herbs: Shatavari, Ginger and Tribulus for Lisa, Holy Basil and Withania for me.
40.35 How to get in contact with Lisa.