

Lumberjack-ish Muffins

Lumberjack-ish Muffins

20th May 2016
This recipe came about from my attempts to make a bit of  healthier version of Lumberjack cake whilst I was pregnant. I love Lumberjack cake, and one morning I was…
Chocolate Fudge

Chocolate Fudge

1st May 2016
Look. at. this. Just look at this chocolate fudge, doesn't it make you want to smoosh your face into your screen in the hope that you'll be able to taste…
Black Tahini Coconut Ice Cream

Black Tahini Coconut Ice Cream

2nd November 2015
[fb_button] This ice cream is dairy free, calcium dense and so easy to make. I love making this to serve after asian inspired meals. Tahini (ground up sesame seeds) is…
Chocolate avocado mousse

Chocolate avocado mousse

2nd April 2014
(paleo, vegetarian, vegan, delicious) Who doesn’t love a good chocolate mousse?  It’s one of my favourite desserts, so when I discovered that you can make a healthy, guilt free version…
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