Ingenious Ways to Make Junk Food Healthy
Improving your diet doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of your favourite foods. I think that instead of thinking about removing ‘bad’ foods from your diet, it’s easier to first try to add in healthy foods – lots of vegies and other wholefoods. By adding in good foods, you are filling yourself up with fibre and nutrients so you feel fuller, but you’re also increasing your stores of nutrients that if you are low in, can make you crave unhealthy foods.
One of the ways that you can start to add in more healthy foods in some clever substitions. Brittnay from The Nut Butter Hub has shared some methods for swapping in some healthy foods for less healthy recipes.
Ingenious Ways to Make Your Favourite Food Healthy
Educating yourself is crucial when it comes to eating well. Rather than denying yourself or overindulging just a few tweaks here and there won’t have you missing out on anything. Turn these ideas and behaviours into habits to ensure you lead the healthiest lifestyle possible (while still enjoying it)!
Healthy Fried Rice, That Still Tastes like Rice
Rice can be good in moderation however, if you find that when you cook it there is enough for the whole village (and you managed it eat it all) it might be time to find an alternative.
Enter cauliflower rice.
All you need to do is roughly chop your cauliflower and throw in a food processor for a minute. You will find that the texture is very similar to rice. Use this ‘faux’ rice can be used in any dish where you would have normally used white rice and it tastes just the same. One of our favourites is cauliflower fried rice, the family didn’t even blink an eyelid when I served this one up!
Make Your Own Chocolate Bars
If you find you a get a hankering for chocolate, try making it yourself. There is a huge difference between cocoa and cacao, so just by making the conscious decision to understand what is in your food, will significantly improve your health.
Cacao powder is packed with nutrients and tastes just as yummy as cocoa. We love making our own truffles, it only takes a few simple ingredients such as coconut oil, cacao powder and sea salt.
Don’t Step Away from The Hot Chips
The next time you want fries try baking them instead of deep frying them in litres of oil. When at home try tossing your sweet potato wedges in a bag with olive oil and semolina. This coating with ensure you get a crispy oven chip every time. You can also try using a healthy oil like coconut to help reduce your cholesterol levels.
Can’t Give Up Mac and Cheese?
Processed pasta is not a good thing to eat on a regular basis. Get rid of boxed mac and cheese and make some at home. You can make a velvety cheese-based sauce with added butternut pumpkin. This sweet taste on mac and cheese is sure to be satisfying, and the added pumpkin will provide lots of nutrients and fibre.
Take it a step further and replace your high carb noodles with a plant-based pasta made out of chickpeas or legumes. The texture may be a little grainier than regular pasta but it tastes almost the same.
DIY Pizza
You have two good options when it comes to pizza. You can make a pizza bread crust with cauliflower, but if is the classic pizza dough is that you crave? Then why not make it from scratch at home and just switch out what’s on top of the pizza instead?
If you want add a real kick to your pizza, try smoking your veggies. Putting the veggies in a propane meat smoker will ensure you don’t have to load up on cheese or fatty meats to add flavour. Try using eggplant or mushroom as they hold a lot of flavour and texture.
We Scream for Healthy Ice Cream
Everyone loves ice cream and since more and more people are cutting out dairy, alternatives should be very readily available in your local grocery store. But if you would like to make your own ice cream then trying banana nice cream is very fast and easy.
To make banana nice cream all you need to do is freeze 3 to 4 bananas and blend in your blender. The result is a healthy version of ice cream. Use your favourite toppings such as nuts and dark chocolate to make this even more of a special treat.
Totally Tasty Pudding
Chocolate pudding is great for when you want something decadent and sweet for dessert. Usually this milk-based chocolate treat can get you into some calorie trouble.
Try cutting out some of the calories by using an avocado base instead of cream. Yes that’s right, you can make your pudding with avocados. You want to blend some cacao powder, non-dairy milk, avocado, and sweetener in your heavy-duty blender. Let the mixture chill in your fridge a few hours. The result is creamy chocolate which is also really food for you.
Now you know how to make a few small tweaks to some yummy dishes! You just need to put it into practice and create some new habits. You will find that these habits will quickly evolve and soon you will be coming up with some tasty tricks and alternative all on your own.
Brittnay is an Australian who lived in London for the past two years. She managed to squeeze in 21 trips to Europe & Africa in that time. She is passionate about her health and her family, and you will find her healthy and delicious recipes on The Nut Butter Hub.