

Salmon and Quinoa Patties

Salmon and Quinoa Patties

26th October 2018
Succulent patties that are rich in nutrients but tasty as heck... I have a recipe for you that offers this! These days I create meals that can be enjoyed by…
Clean Up Your Sleep

Clean Up Your Sleep

16th November 2017
In my latest contribution to Western Sydney Mums' Hub, I talk about sleep issues. Covered in the article is the causes of sleep issues in adults and the impact that…
Black Tahini Coconut Ice Cream

Black Tahini Coconut Ice Cream

2nd November 2015
[fb_button] This ice cream is dairy free, calcium dense and so easy to make. I love making this to serve after asian inspired meals. Tahini (ground up sesame seeds) is…
Bone and Joint Health

Bone and Joint Health

28th September 2013
Bone and Joint Health Do you experience swollen and painful joints? Do your knees, hips and knuckles feel like they are on fire? Are you finding it harder to be…
Leg cramps in pregnancy

Leg cramps in pregnancy

9th November 2012
Relief for Pregnancy-induced leg cramps Leg cramps are a common complaint for pregnant women, however there is no current standard treatment.  Naturopaths and nutritionists often recommend a magnesium supplement for…
Magnesium Balls

Magnesium Balls

25th July 2012
Looking for a way to increase your magnesium levels? This recipe is my answer - they are designed to be a rich source of magnesium, as well as the co-factors…
Ready to discuss your health needs? Contact me to make an appointment
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