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Empowering women through menopause, naturally.
We’ve got so much we want to share with you!
The Ultimate Guide to Sailing Through Menopause
Whether you are just at the start of your menopausal journey, well in the depths of it or wanting to get prepared, you are here because you’re searching for a natural approach to improving your menopausal experience. And that’s what we want to provide.
Perhaps you’re fed up with hot flushes, sick of the emotional rollercoaster that the hormonal changes have put you on, or you’re wanting to prevent conditions such as heart disease and osteoporosis that are at a higher risk of happening after menopause. Or maybe you just want to understand what’s going on with your body in this time.
You’re in the right place!
In our collective 24 years of practice, Naturopaths Laura and Alison have helped 100’s of women that are struggling with the symptoms of menopause. Using a combination of traditional knowledge, and modern research, we want to provide you with the tools to take control of your health, and to take the fire out of menopausal symptoms.
let’s get connected!
Sign up to our newsletter and get our “Top Five Foods for Menopause” guide
PLUS join our free 5 Day Challenge.
This e-Course includes so much amazing content.
Here’s a preview of what’s involved:
The food you eat can have a big impact on your health. In this section you will learn how to choose nutritious food for yourself and your family that will help you feel great, as well as support your body through menopause.
These guides can help you to:
Maintain a healthy weight
Reduce hot flushes and sweats
Balance blood sugar levels
Support healthy bones
Reduce bloating and other digestive symptoms
Herbs have been used for centuries for various health conditions, menopause included. Research has confirmed that herbal medicine can be a safe and effective tool in suporting menopausal symptoms.
In this section you will learn:
Which herbs may be best for you
What these herbs do
How to take these herbs
How you can grow and make your own home herbal remedies
Stress Management
Did you know that stress and anxiety can impact on hormonal health and menopausal symptoms?
In this section you will learn:
Techniques to reduce anxiety and improve your ability to cope with stress.
Which herbs and nutrients are important for stress management
How your diet can affect stress
Conventional Treatment
It can be confusing knowing what type of treatment may work best for you. We have outlined the pros and cons of common conventional treatment so that you can make an informed decision.
Understanding Menopause
Learn more about what is happening to you during menopause.
Studies show that women who approach menopause with a positive outlook have a better experience. We will help you to reframe negative views towards menopause.
Bonus Content
When you take part in the full program you gain access to the bonus content module. This includes:
Breast health
Flower essences
….and more!
This content is worth thousands of dollars. You are receiving information that would require multiple appointments to impart to you.
We don’t want to replace the care of a practitioner, but rather enhance it. So much of what a naturopathic appointment involves is educating you to eat well, to know what is right for you, and to understand what is going on. With diet and lifestyle changes, so much can be improved.
This is information we have distilled from our years of university, years of further research and training, and experience from hundreds of patients.
Save yourself the time and effort of trawling through the internet looking for clues as to what can help you.
We want you to be empowered to make confident decisions about your health.
Begin your lessons, enrol here:
The course is open for enrolments. You can choose to enrol in the whole collection, or selection individual modules.